Ascomycota, genera » Ascomycota, incertae sedis » Alanphillipsia

Alanphillipsia aloes

Alanphillipsia aloes Crous & M.J. Wingf. 2013


Index Fungorum number: 805817


Etymology: Named after the host genus, that is aloe


Lesions on dying Aloe dichotoma. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Immersed conidiomata, consists of globose with central ostiole that is dark brown. Brown textura angularis wall, conidiophores are surrounded by paraphyses lining the cavity, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical and branched or unbranched at the base, consist of transverse septate, obtuse to subobtuse apices. Conidiophores hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical, flexuous to straight. Macroconidiogenous cells terminal, intergeated, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical to lageniform, proliferating modestly percurrently near apex. Macroconidia solitary, hyaline when immature, mature from golden- brown to medium brown, verruculose, granular to guttulate, bordered by a hyaline layer, ellipsoid to obclavate or subcylindrical with truncate scar on hyaline layer, refractive  and not thickened. Microconidiogenous cells form in the same conidiomata, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical, forming modestly at the apex. Microconidia hyaline, smooth, granular, subcylindrical to ellipsoid, apex obtuse, base truncate with minute marginal frill.


Culture characteristics: Colonies on MEA, PDA and OA, growing fully within 2 weeks, surface olivaceous- grey, reverse iron-grey with moderate aerial mycelium that are pale olivaceous- grey.


Type: South Africa, Western Cape Province, Clanwilliam, on dark lesions of dying Aloe dichotoma (Xanthorrhoeaceae), Sept. 2012, M.J. Wingfield (holotype CBS H-21418, cultures ex-type CPC 21298 = CBS 136410, MycoBank MB805817).

ITS = KF777138, LSU = KF777194


Notes Allanphillipsia is close to Aplosporella (verruculose conidia, presence of paraphyses) (Damm et al. 2007, Slippers et al. 2013), but is characterised by its distinct hyaline outer layer. In this context it also resembles Cytosphaera, though the latter has eustromatic, irregularly pulvinate, erumpent to superficial conidiomata, phialides with periclinal thickening and hyaline conidia (Sutton 1980)





Crous and Wingfield, 2013

Crous, P. and Wingfield, M., 2013. Alanphillipsia aloes. Fungal Planet, 31, pp.196-197.


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