Crandallia Ellis & Sacc., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 24(10): 466 (1897)
Ascomycota, genera incertae sedis
Saprobic or parasitic on the host plant. Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata black, pycnidial, solitary, scutate, immersed, circular to subcircular, multilocular, glabrous, ostiolate. Ostiole circular, centrally located. Conidiomatal wall composed of thick-walled, dark brown to hyaline cells of textura angularis to textura intricata. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, holoblastic, cylindrical, determinate, smooth-walled. Conidia hyaline, cylindrical with obtuse ends, unicellular, smooth-walled (Powell 1973, Sutton 1980).
Type species: Crandallia juncicola Ellis & Sacc., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 24(10): 466 (1897)
Notes: Crandallia juncicola (type species of Crandallia) was considered as the asexual morph of Duplicaria acuminata Ellis & Everh. (Powell 1973). Duplicaria empetri (Pers.) Fuckel (type species of Duplicaria Fuckel) was considered as the sexual morph of Melasmia empetri Magnus (Lind 1913, Nannfeldt 1932, Darker 1967, Dennis 1968). Based on the differences in host family and asexual morphs, Rossman et al. (2016b) excluded D. acuminata from Duplicaria, and made two new combinations, C. acuminata and C. antarctica. However, Powell (1973) clearly interpreted that M. empetri is not the asexual morph of D. empetri. Therefore, the two combinations introduced by Rossman et al. (2016b) should be regarded as valid names, and D. acuminata should be reserved in Duplicaria until further studies are made. At present, three species are accepted in Crandallia namely, C. anthurii Bat., C. juncicola and C. proteae Marinc., M.J. Wingf. & Crous, but none have been studied with molecular data. It is necessary to obtain fresh material and make cultural connections in other species
Distribution: South Africa, USA (Sutton 1980, Marincowitz et al. 2008).
Crandallia juncicola (redrawn from Sutton 1980) a Vertical section of conidioma. b Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. c Conidia.
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