Kendrickomyces B. Sutton, V.G. Rao & Mhaskar, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 67(2): 243 (1976)
Ascomycota, genera incertae sedis
Saprobic on dead branches of Terminalia belerica (Combretaceae) and parasitic on fruits of Ziziphus jujuba (Rhamnaceae) (Sutton 1980, Mandal and Dasgupta 1984). Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata stromatic, pycnidial, at maturity furfuraceous, solitary to gregarious or confluent, immersed, globose to collabent, multilocular, glabrous, ostiolate. Locules initiated in the upper layer, aggregated into 1–2 separate groups within the stroma, vertically elongated, regularly arranged. Ostiole single to each locule at first, then merging into a single communal ostiole, papillate, circular. Conidiomatal wall composed of thick-walled, dark brown cells of textura angularis in the outer peripheral wall, gradually merging with thick-walled cells of textura oblita in the middle layer, becoming progressively looser towards upper region of the conidiomata. Conidiophores arising from the inner layer of locular wall, hyaline, cylindrical or irregular, irregularly branched, septate, smooth-walled. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, enteroblastic, phialidic, integrated, determinate, smooth-walled, with periclinal thickening, with minute channel and collarette. Conidia hyaline, allantoid, unicellular, smooth-walled, guttulate.
Type species: Kendrickomyces indicus B. Sutton, V.G. Rao & Mhaskar, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 67(2): 244 (1976)
Notes: Kendrickomyces is characterized by complex multilocular conidiomata, furfuraceous ostioles, phialidic conidiogenous cells and falcate conidia (Sutton et al. 1976). The furfuraceous ostioles in Kendrickomyces can easily be confused with asexual morphs of Phacidium (especially for P. italica), Cytospora and Waydora. However, these genera can be separated by differences in conidiomata and conidia. The asexual morph of Phacidium has fusiform to ellipsoid or cylindrical conidia bearing funnel-shaped mucoid appendages. While the conidia of Cytospora, Kendrickomyces, and Waydora are allantoid, and lack conidial appendages (Nag Raj 1993, this study). Kendrickomyces can be distinguished from Cytospora and Waydora by its complex multilocular conidiomata. Kendrickomyces has definite locular chambers surrounding by ecto- or endostroma, and distinct locular channels uniting into a main ostiole. Whereas the conidiomata of Cytospora and Waydora are convoluted and lacunose (Sutton et al. 1976, Norphanphoun et al. 2017). Cytospora differs from Waydora in multiple wall layers and locular organization in the stromata (Sutton et al. 1976, Senanayake et al. 2018). Two species are accepted in the genus, K. brevisporus N.C. Mandal & M.K. Dasgupta and K. indicus, but neither has molecular data.
Distribution: India (Sutton 1980).
Li WJ, McKenZie EHC, Liu JK, Bhat DJ, Dai DQ, Caporesi E, Tian Q, Maharachcikumbura SSN, Luo ZL, Shang QJ, Zhang JF, Tangthirasunun N, Karunarathna SC, Xu JC, Hyde KD (2020) Taxonomy and phylogeny of hyaline-spored coelomycetes. Fungal Diversity 100: pages279–801.
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