Microperella Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 118: 879 (1909)
Index Fungorum: IF 8933
Ascomycota, genera incertae sedis
Habitat on leaves of Quercus glauca (Fagaceae). Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata dark brown to black, stromatic, pycnidial, solitary, superficial, irregularly pulvinate to hemispherical, often irregularly lobed and elevated at the periphery and depressed towards the centre, multilocular, with subglobose or irregular locules, glabrous. Ostiole absent, dehiscence by irregular splits of upper locular wall. Conidiomatal wall composed of thick-walled, pale brown cells, in vertical parallel arrangement, of textura prismatica to textura angularis beneath the locules, becoming relatively thick-walled, dark brown cells in the periphery. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells arising from the inner layer of locular wall, hyaline, holoblastic, ampulliform to lageniform, determinate, smooth-walled. Conidia hyaline, fusiform, attenuated obtuse towards apex, truncate at the base, 1-septate, slightly constricted at the septum, smooth-walled, eguttulate (Sutton 1980).
Type species: Microperella quercus Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 118: 879 (1909)
Notes: The genus is monotypic. Microperella is similar to Diplozythiella in having hyaline, fusiform, 1-septate conidia. Microperella possesses irregularly pulvinate to hemispherical, multilocular conidiomata often irregularly lobed and elevated at the periphery, and holoblastic conidiogenous cells. On the other hand, Diplozythiella has globose to irregular, unilocular conidiomata, and enteroblastic, phialidic conidiogenous cells (Sutton 1980). There is no molecular data available for the genus. Fresh collections and cultures are needed to place it in a natural group.
Distribution: Japan (Sutton 1980).
Li WJ, McKenZie EHC, Liu JK, Bhat DJ, Dai DQ, Caporesi E, Tian Q, Maharachcikumbura SSN, Luo ZL, Shang QJ, Zhang JF, Tangthirasunun N, Karunarathna SC, Xu JC, Hyde KD (2020) Taxonomy and phylogeny of hyaline-spored coelomycetes. Fungal Diversity 100: pages279–801.
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