Pseudolachnella setulosa
Pseudolachnella setulosa (I. Hino & Katum.) Nag Raj, Coelomycetous Anamorphs with Appendage-bearing Conidia: 732 (1993)
≡ Heteropatella setulosa I. Hino & Katum., Bull. Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University 5: 234 (1954)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 07546
Caulicolous, on dead culms. Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 500–850 diam., 200–400 µm high, dark brown to black, cupulate, oval to elongate or subcylindrical or rounded in outline, solitary to gregarious or confluent, superficial, subcylindrical to conical with a tip in sectional view, unilocular, thick-walled, setose. Conidiomatal setae up to 200 µm long, 4–7 µm wide, dark brown to amber brown in the external part, becoming brown to pale towards conidial hymenium, subulate with acute apex, unbranched, septate, thick-walled with narrow lumen. Conidiomatal wall 10–50 µm wide, composed of basal stroma of textura angularis with thick-walled, brown to almost black cells in the lower layers, lacking excipulum. Conidiophores arising from innermost layer of basal wall, hyaline, subcylindrical, branched, septate, thick- and smooth-walled. Conidiogenous cells 6–10 × 1–3 µm, hyaline, enteroblastic, phialidic, lageniform, usually integrated, indeterminate, with marked periclinal thickenings in the collarette zone. Conidia 31–53 × 1.5–3 µm ( = 42 × 2.3 µm; n = 30), hyaline, subcylindrical, with a narrow and obtuse apex, and a truncate base bearing a distinct hilum, mostly 7-septate, occasionally 5–6-septate, with or without constriction at septa, guttulate, smooth-walled, bearing appendages at both ends or only at one end; apical appendage 1–2 µm long, single, filiform, unbranched, basal appendage 1–2 µm long, excentric.
Material examined: Japan, Yamaguti, Simonoseki-si, Tyohu, on dead culms of Pleioblastus simonii (Poaceae), 31 March 1954, K. Katumoto (DAOM 215570, type).
Pseudolachnella setulosa (DAOM 215570, type) a, b, e Herbarium package and specimen. c, d, f, g Appearance of dark brown to black conidiomata on the host. h Conidiomatal setae. i, l Vertical sections of conidiomata. j–k, m–n Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and developing conidia (arrow shows periclinal thickenings in the collarette zone). o–s Conidia (arrows show short appendages). Scale bars c–d = 1000 µm, f–g = 200 µm, h = 50 µm, i, l = 200 µm, j–k, m = 10 µm, n–s = 5 µm.
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