Gloeosporidina Petr., Annls mycol. 19(3-4): 214 (1921)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 04286
Sordariomycetes, Diaporthomycetidae, Diaporthales, Gnomoniaceae
Saprobic or parasitic on host plant in terrestrial habitats, such as Cercocarpus betuloides (Rosaceae), Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae), Lasiopetalum macrophyllum (Malvaceae), Sargassum natans (Sargassaceae), Quercus robur (Fagaceae). Sexual morph: see Senanayake et al. (2018). Asexual morph: Conidiomata brown to black, acervular, solitary to gregarious, subepidermal to epidermal, immersed, subglobose in section view, unilocular, glabrous. Ostiole absent, dehiscence irregular rupture of the upper overlapping host tissue. Conidiomatal wall composed of hyaline to subhyaline cells of textura angularis in the basal part. Conidiophores arising from the innermost layer cells of the basal stroma, hyaline to pale brown, cylindrical to subcylindrical, sparsely branched, septate, smooth-walled. Conidiogenous cells hyaline to pale brown, enteroblastic, monophialidic, cylindrical, integrated or discrete, determinate, smooth-walled. Conidia hyaline, subglobose to elliptical or pyriform, obtuse at the apex, narrow and truncate at the base, unicellular, smooth-walled, guttulate (Sutton 1980, Morgan-Jones 1986).
Type species: Gloeosporidina moravica Petr., Annls mycol. 19(3-4): 214 (1921)
Notes: Gloeosporidina was re-described and re-illustrated by Sutton and Pollack (1973), Sutton (1980), Morgan-Jones et al. 1972e) and Senanayake et al. (2018). Gloeosporidina shares a similar morphology of conidiomata and conidia with the asexual morph of Elsinoe Racib. (= Sphaceloma), but can be distinguished by conidiogenous cells. Gloeosporidina has monophialidic, cylindrical, determinate conidiogenous cells, whereas Elsinoe has polyphialidic, ampulliform to doliiform, indeterminate conidiogenous cells with 1–3 loci. Sutton (1980) accepted four taxa namely G. canthiicola B. Sutton, G. cecidii (Kohlm.) B. Sutton, G. cercocarpi (Ellis & Everh.) B. Sutton & Pollack and G. moravica. Subsequently, three species were added, G. lasiopetali B. Sutton (1991), G. cryptomeriae Kubono (1993), and G. platani Butin & Kehr (1998). Gloeosporidina platani was shown to be part of the life cycle of Apiognomonia veneta by Butin and Kher (1998), and was reduced to a synonym of it. Six taxa are listed in Index Fungorum (2019). Gloeosporidina has been described as a spermatial state of Diaporthaceae by von Arx (1970), and connected to Stromatinia (Boud.) Boud. by Kubono and Hosoya (1994). However, these connections have never been successfully demonstrated. Senanayake et al. (2018) placed Gloeosporidina in Gnomoniaceae and provided a description and illustration of the sexual morph of G. moravica. There is no molecular data available for Gloeosporidina. Fresh collections and cultures are needed to place Gloeosporidina in a natural group.
Distribution: Australia, Czech Republic, Japan, Zambia (Sutton 1980, Kubono 1994, Senanayake et al. 2018).
Gloeosporidina moravica (redrawn from Morgan-Jones et al. 1972e) a Vertical section of conidioma. b Conidia. c Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and developing conidia.
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