Ciliosporella italica
Ciliosporella italica W.J. Li, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF557142
Etymology: Named after the country Italy, where it was collected.
Saprobic on dead stream of Colutea arborescens and Galega sp. (Fabaceae). Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 200–250 µm diam., 50–100 µm high, brown to black, stromatic, pycnidial, solitary to gregarious or confluent, immersed, subperidermal, globose to depressed globose, unilocular or multi-locular, thick-walled, glabrous, papillate, ostiolate, the locules 50–80 µm diam., 60–100 µm high. Ostiole 10–30 µm wide, single to each locule, circular, centrally or laterally located. Conidiomatal wall 8–15 µm wide, composed of thick-walled, pale brown to hyaline cells of textura prismatica to angularis, becoming thicker at upper part. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Paraphyses hyaline, filiform, unbranched, smooth-walled, originating from inner layer of cells of conidioma. Conidiogenous cells 6–10 × 2–5 µm, hyaline, enteroblastic, phialidic, cylindrical to lageniform, attenuate towards apex, discrete, determinate, formed from the inner layer cells of the conidiomata. Conidia 30–42 × 2.6–4.3 µm (x = 35 × 3 µm; n = 100), hyaline, fusiform to navicular, with an acute apex and slightly truncate base, mostly 1-septate, occasionally 2-septate, thick-walled, smooth, attenuated at the apex into a rostrate, tubular, unbranched appendage.
Culture characteristics: colony on the PDA, reaching 15–20 mm diam, after 14d at 25℃, orange, with white, circular margin, flattened, felt-like, with filamentous, dense, aerial mycelium on the surface, reverse similar in colour.
Material examined: Italy, Province of of Forlì-Cesena, Predappio, San Martino, on dead aerial branches of Colutea arborescens (Fabaceae), 22 March 2016, Erio Camporesi, IT2898 (MFLU 16-1114, holotype), ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 16–1146, ICMP 21541; ibid., Province of Arezzo, Stia, Montemezzano, on dead aerial stems of Galega officinalis (Fabaceae), 15 July 2016, Erio Camporesi, IT3029 (MFLU 16-2154, paratype), ex-paratype living culture, MFLUCC 16-1305.
Notes: Strain (MFLUCC 16-1146) on C. arborescens shares similar characters with strain (MFLUCC 16–1305) on Galega sp., in having stromatic and pycnidial conidiomata with lateral ostiole, phialidic conidiogenous cells and fusiform to navicular, 0–2-septate conidia. Moreover, these two strains are 100% identical in LSU, SSU, ITS, rpb2 sequence data except at the beginning and end regions. Ciliosporella italica differs from C. selenospora in conidomatal structure and conidiohores. The former has textura angularis to epidermoidea wall cells and lacks conidiophores, while the latter has textura angularis to prismatica wall cells and cylindrical, branched, septate conidiophores. Ciliosporella italica is distinguished from C. tuberculiformis by its paraphyses.
Ciliosporella italica (MFLU 16–1114, holotype) a Herbarium specimen. b, c Appearance of dark brown conidiomata on the host. d, e, h Vertical section of conidiomata. f, g Section of peridium. i Ostiole. j Conidiogenous cells and paraphyses. k–n Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. o Germinating conidia. p–s Conidia. t Culture on PDA. Scale bars b = 1000 µm, c = 200 µm, d, h = 100 µm, e = 50 µm, f–g = 10 µm, i–j = 20 µm, k–n = 5 µm, o = 50 µm, p–s = 10 µm, t = 20 mm.